Get a Souvenir!

We're all taking a virtual trip together, so why not get a souvenir?

Send me a donation and I'll send you a grab-bag souvenir that I've purchased during this trip.

  For $50, I'll send you something interesting, and use the leftover balance to pay for my dinner one (or two) nights.

  For $25, I'll send you something a little cheaper and maybe even tacky. Like the local equivalent of a snow globe. Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed.

  For $10, I'll send you a postcard from wherever I am when you donate your ten bucks.

Your click will take you to Paypal, so that you can take advantage of this chance to fund me opportunity to get a 2011 souvenir.

I hope you like the souvenir I chose for you, because if you don't, it's a long way for me to go to return it!

Pretty-please don't forget to include your mailing address.

Thank you to Yancey Labat for letting me use his old clip art of the horse, monkey, and mask. Sorry I defaced them with numbers, Yancey.